Sunday, February 23, 2014


Every single thing in this world is moving with transportation. Even the foods that you are eating are being move by transportation. You are moving to school, office, college or anywhere, its all using the transportation. It can be said that this world are being moved by transportation. Today, millions of transportation is moving everyday around the world causing many problems towards the people, communities and of course the bad one is towards the environment. This occurs because of our unsustainable transportation system. So, all the parties involved should paid a fully attention towards the issue in order to keep the sustainable transportation in the future.

The first one is in term of environment. The unsustainable transportation system today is bringing up the unbalance environment towards the people. Talking about the air environment, most of us will think about the cars or other transport as the main reason that lead to the causing of air pollution. The increasing of the carbon dioxide causing the ozone layer become more thin is one of the dangerous thing of unstable transportation system. There are the ways to keep the environment at the same time to make sure there is the sustainable transportation in the future. The first one is by asking the public to practice using a car pool. Why not you are being in the same car with your friends who are going on the same direction instead of driving different car which can causing the number of vehicle on the road become more increased and will lead to the traffic congestion. Besides, you are also should use public transportation or using bicycle if you are going to the near destination. This can help to save our mother earth for our future generation.

In the view of economy, we can see that the transportation had changed the world. As we can see, over the past year ago, people just walking to move from one place to another and there is not even any development occurs during that time causing no economy benefits towards the country. Transportation are really changed the world today. People or anything gets to move with transportation. Road, highway, railway, airports and ports are the thing that built up because of there is the transportation. With transportation today, the economy is moving fastest from day to day. This must be kept moving until the future in order to keep this sustainable transportation for our next generations.

Social equity is also the thing that we must consider in our way to keep the best sustainable transportation in the future. Most of people need transportation in order to manage their life such as going to work and for their personnel matters. Mostly today, people are having their own transportation. It can provide a quality of standard living. In future, more people will need transportation in their life. It can be consider as the necessity one. The number of people getting more increased from day to day and this had allowed to the more requirement of using the transportation. And this becomes one of the reasons of the important of having the transportation in the future. Besides, the government should provide a facility for cycling activities. This can increase a social relationship among the public.

To keep the sustainable transportation in the future, we need to keep our green environment. People may ask on how to keep our environment green? One of the ways is by change our transportation for example we should move to use hybrid car instead of using car that use diesel or petroleum. This can reduce the quantity of carbon dioxide that caused more pollution and at the same time it can help in reducing the user of diesel and petroleum. We can also use the electric busses. This is not only help in reducing the pollution but it also opens the wide user of another renewable energy such as solar energy. This can totally help in maintaining a sustainable transportation system in the future.


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