Sunday, February 16, 2014


Did you ever sick of getting stuck in the middle of traffic jam? Getting late to office? This is the real situation or scene that you will face when you are driving your car in the middle of metropolitan city just like Kuala Lumpur. “Drive less, Save more!”. This is one of the thing that you should practice in order to save many things and at the same time earn all of benefits from it. Drive less means we are minimizing the uses of transportation in our daily routine. On the other hand, save more brings the concept where we will save everything just like saving money, time, and energy once we are minimizing the uses of transport.

In general perspectives, all of public especially those who living in the middle of big city should practice this type of concept “Drive less, Save more”. This is because of several reasons. One of it is this concept will totally help them in order to save their money, time, energy and even will help to save our environment. How to practice this kind of concept? Actually most of people nowdays already practicing this concept for example most of public are using public transportation likes train and buses. This will totally help them to reach destination smoothly without need to face with the congestion. Some of them are also practicing carpooling especially for those who are working in the same or near to their office by moving together. Easy right? With this, you are gonna save everything!

While in the logistics view, this “Drive less, Save more” concept should be practice by all the company involving in this chain. This concept could be achived once the company implement the consolidation or economy of scale. Consolidation is when you are consolidate all the small shipment into the large shipments and deliver it at the same time. This will totally decrease the uses of transportation during the shipments. While in logistics, transportation cost is the biggest and highest cost that involved in this chain. Then you can totally save it through implementing the concept of “Drive less, Save more”. At the same time your customer satisfaction will be increase!. Besides, you also can practice economy of scale in order to achieve the target of your company to minimize the transportation cost. Economy of scale is when you are delivering the shipment in bulk quantity so the will less re-ship the goods as it will causing high transportation cost.

In conclusion, we as the public or the person involving in the supply chain industry should practice “Drive less, Save more” concept as it will bring up many benefits towards us. Remember, “DRIVE LESS, SAVE MORE “!. You’re gonna feel the real journey!

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